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Дата релиза: 18-03-2024
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feel my pain скачать песню на нашем портале в хорошем качестве бесплатно. Чтобы удостоверится в том, что Вы загружаете качественную музыку стоит воспользоваться кнопкой для прослушивания песни - Слушать онлайн, а после уже наслаждаться ним на своем устройстве. Желаем Вам приятного прослушивания песни Yokai Kage, WRVITHMVNE - feel my pain 2024 года в mp3.

Текст песни feel my pain

You can’t go back to the traitors. Must not
Bite your elbows, chew the ground, but don’t go back to where you were betrayed
I am so devastated, just let my heart feel the love
Pulse dropped to zero, my body is on the ground

Loneliness again, every day is a lonely day
Just feel my pain, it’s like I have swapped places with Lane
Another attempt to become better than before
Giving my best, but the question is: and for what?

So much effort, but in the end again alone
Was full of life, but now i am dead and gone
Pathetic heart quickly turned into gray stone
Now I just hope to see you at my gravestone

The heart is no more, there is hole in this place
For several years in close friendship with death
Pathetic heart quickly turned into gray stone
Now I just hope to see you at my gravestone

The heart is no more, there is hole in this place
For several years in close friendship with death
Pathetic heart quickly turned into gray stone
Now I just hope to see you at my gravestone
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